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Coastal property replacing hotels in Newquay and Mumbles, is it a problem?

Fistral Bay And Newquay Homes For S

Fistral Bay Hotel overlooking south Fistral, the Gill tells me he use to work here during the summer of 1975. For most of the hotels knocked down in Newquay and  Mumbles it could be argued needed to be due to the state of repair. However, it does mean that many bed spaces have been lost and in Nwqys case many thousands have been replaced with empty ‘surf pods’.

The impact on the local economy is obvious shops close down, pubs become empty and put up for sale, retail outlets struggle in fact the whole fabric of the coastal village/town breaks down.  Is coastal Britain becoming a play ground for those that can afford it?   Or has it always been and under the current Government just become more evident…..  Anyway, my local pub is dead and most are trying to sell up, what is the answer as you can not mess around with market forces.


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