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Glastonbury festival a must do weekend, even made it back in time for the next swell to arrive

Mud Glorious Mud

The mud shuffle at the festival was fun and the top performance must go 2 Mik Artistik and his ‘turning into dad’  who Amos and I stumbled into whilst walking through the Green fields.

Dear Mike, kick ‘probably the worst lager in World..’ sponsorship into touch and get these bars (in pic) all around the festival grounds. The Brothers Bar cider is awesome

The downside to Glasto an ever lasting reminder of the toilets, thanks to the comfy crappers I managed to avoid going in these on the left…

Amos fired up on Brothers Cider and heading out for the night

Rob and I enjoying the jazz world arena with Eddy Grant on the stage blasting out the golden oldies, I could only put up with the mockney for 10 minutes so missed her performance of punching someone..sad… manu chao, kings of leon, massive attack, the wombats, the zutons…… wow what a weekend…. Go next year and get back to nature or as they say at Glastonbury…‘Love the farm…leave no trace
