15 49.0138 8.38624 1 1 4000 1 300 0

Dragon Wales Sea Swim and The Swansea Bay 10K weekend mark the return of the students

The penultimate weekend in September saw the return of Swansea students plus an excellent weekend of outdoor activities supported by City and County of Swansea.

On the saturday over a 100 swimmers gathered for the first Dragon Sea Swim at the Knab rock with the winning time close to 15 minutes pretty amazing ( I managed 22 mins), which I was very please with.

The Lord Mayor of C and C of Swansea was there supporting, as was a Zamba dance group which added to the carnival atmosphere.

Next year will be even bigger so will do a bit more training for it! Picture below shows the start of the swim with people hassling for a good start.

Then on the Sunday, the 10k run was held with much better weather than the Saturday it was great to watch the runners passing us by down at Mumbles as they all headed back to the finish line in Swansea.

Both events plus the return of the students ensured that Mumbles was busy on the weekend which of course is good for all, well done Swim Wales and C and C of Swansea plus all the competitors.

 Swim Wales get active and join in the Swim.
